Flexible DC converter valve

The globally pioneering ±800kV/5000MW flexible DC transmission system converter valve developed by TBEA Sunoasis Co., Ltd., is designed with non-locking overhead flexible DC transmission series technology, which solves the three major problems when flexible DC transmission system is applied to overhead transmission lines in the industry: DC fault self-clearing and system restart, reduced DC voltage operation and valve bank online withdrawal. In one fell swoop, the voltage level of flexible DC transmission has been raised from ±500kV to ±800kV, and the transmission capacity has been raised from 1 million kW to 5 million kW. In this way, the main performance indicators are at international leading level, leading the technical development of flexible DC transmission industry.


  • Low cost,strong adaptability,passive inverter

  • Use existing lines to increase power supply capacity and balance power flow

  • Expanded capacity,strong independence,strong robustness

  • Full control of connected non-synchronous grid power

  • Increase transmission capacity,improve nearby network stability and reduce line loss

  • TBEA pioneered DC fault-free ride-through control



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