Large ground PV power station solution

Large-scale surface power stations are usually located in an environment with relatively flat terrain, and the photovoltaic modules are oriented in the same direction without obvious occlusion. The power stations are relatively large, whose output can be fed into 110kV/220kV high-voltage transmission network after voltage boosting.

Technical strength

  • Centralized scheme and good grid adaptability are more in line with the grid access requirements.

  • Modular design, front maintenance and pluggable design greatly reduce the maintenance cost of power stations.

  • With IP54 integrated machine room, simple and fast transport is achieved, with effective protection from water, sand and salt frog.

  • It can access the TB-eCloud to achieve centralized management and intelligent O&M of power stations.

Related cases

Gansu Yumen Oilfield 200MW Photovoltaic Project

The 200MW grid-connected photovoltaic power generation demonstration project in Yumendong Town of Yumen Oilfield consists of a 200MW photovoltaic power station, a 110kV substation, supporting 110kV transmission lines and auxiliary facilities of the power station, covering an area of 409 hectares. This is the first centralized grid-connected photovoltaic project among those of CNPC and its affiliated enterprises, and also an important milestone in its energy transformation strategy from traditional oil and gas resources development to the oil-gas and renewable energy development. In 2021, it was connected to the grid and officially put into operation, which has run stably.

Algeria 90MW Photovoltaic Power Generation Project

The Company signed an agreement with SKTM to supply 90MW solar photovoltaic power generation inverters to Algeria. TBEA Xi’an Electrics Technology Co., Ltd. provided 90 sets of TC1000KS equipment and related combiner boxes for the project.

Sichuan Ganzi 50MW Project

The project, located in Huogulong Village, Ganzi County, has a capacity of 50MW with an average altitude of about 3,500m. The project is equipped with our 50 Series-V TC1000KS inverters, which were connected to the grid and officially put into operation in 2015, and have operated stably.

Ningxia Hongsibao 100MW Photovoltaic Power Station

The project is located in Hongsibao District, Wuzhong City, with a power station capacity of 100MW. It was officially put into operation after being connected to the grid in 2019, and the operation status is stable.

PV Inverter

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